Custom Entity Models

This grants you the ability to replace Rust's original models, sounds, collisions and lights for spawned entities.

As explored in Rust Prefabs, Custom Entity Models only work on Rust assets that are spawned as entities.


Read the following to understand how it works, how to set it up and how to add special types of animations that automatically change relative to entity states and flags.

CEMs are basically regular prefabs you create in the Custom Prefabs process, except whenever assigned under the Model category of a Rust Asset.

When the entity is placed in the Carbon editor with the Prefab Reference set (your custom entity model), it'll replace the model entirely with yours at the local position/rotation of 0,0,0 and scale of 1,1,1.

Model Settings

On your Rust Asset (Carbon Editor predefined Rust prefab), under the Model category, you'll find the following settings:

  • Prefab Reference: Which is the Project prefab object that gets created parented onto the spawned entity when it gets created on the server and client.

  • Animation

    • Network Animation: This means that when the custom model animation changes, it'll be sent over the network to clients.

    • Sync Animation: Will ensure that the animation that's playing (oftentimes a looping one) will get synchronised to all clients, so everyone sees the same position in time of the animation.

  • Collision

    • Entity Solid Collision: Enabling this, will keep the solid colliders (the ones that players cannot go through) of the original entity model. There are various reasons why this would be helpful.

    • Entity Trigger Collision: Same as previous, but for colliders that are trigger, like the invisible colliders of a workbench that grants you the bench tier flag.

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