Rust Prefabs

Place Rust prefabs or entities in your Addon Asset prefabs.

Just as it might already read, you can place Rust assets in your custom asset prefabs, which get pre-processed on the server and client whenever you create said custom asset prefabs.

The editor grants you the ability to set various values, specifically the following:


If the prefab you've placed is actually a prefab with the BaseEntity component attached, you may change these properties whenever they get created on the server/client:

  • Enforce Prefab: Instead of spawning it, it'll create it as a static prefab. Some entity prefabs will act very weird as they're supposed to be initialized as entities, but this works fine for deployables.

  • Flags: Entity flags that get set after the entity is spawned. For example if you have a door, you can make it spawn as opened. Or a horse spawn with a saddle on.

  • Skin: It's the entity skin ID.

  • Entity Types

    • Combat

      • Health: The health value the entity spawns with. Defaults to -1 for regular behavior.

      • Max Health: The maximum health value the entity spawns with. Defaults to -1 for regular behavior.

  • Model

    • For more information about custom entity models, please read here.

Last updated